Our Precautions To Ensure The Security Of Your Data

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Our Precautions To Ensure The Security Of Your Data

You may be aware that the data centers of the french. Internet giant ovh were ravaged by fire on the night of monday march 9, 2021. Following this incident , a large number of websites found themselves out of order. And webmasters who have not taken care to save their data have lost everything. A very difficult moment for the ovh teams that we would not wish on anyone. Imagine that you no longer find any data in gustave overnight? Be reassured: we have long since taken our precautions to avoid it. Find out how your data is safe at gustave. Imagine losing years of work, seeing your e-commerce site disappear or not finding the photos and articles for your personal blog.

This is the disaster scenario experienced by more. Than 10,000 people and companies whose sites were hosted in ovh datacenters in strasbourg. Of four data centers, one burned down completely and a second was partially damaged. As a precaution, ovh cut off the electricity to the entire Phone Number List campus while it took stock of the situation. In the meantime, hundreds of thousands of domain names have gone offline. Unsaved sites that were hosted there are therefore potentially lost forever. Some were really unlucky: their sites and their backups were in the same datacenter… which burned down. To keep your data safe at gustave , we have organized ourselves on several levels.


Since the beginning of our adventure we have taken. Our precautions to keep your data safe . Several data centers admittedly, a fire could one day ravage a data center of our host . But our application data is hosted in several different datacenters . They are all in a different city and gustave's data is replicated on each of them. If one of them were to fail tomorrow, the others would therefore not be affected and you would not see any difference using our application. Multiple backups per day second, we have long chosen to make multiple backups of our physio client data every day. These backups are stored in yet another datacenter. Of course, zero risk does not exist. But the fact of using several different data centers brings robustness to our infrastructure.
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Re: Our Precautions To Ensure The Security Of Your Data

Posts: 34805
Joined: Tue May 28, 2024 2:53 pm

Re: Our Precautions To Ensure The Security Of Your Data

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