The popularization of smartphones tablets and other

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The popularization of smartphones tablets and other

Gadgets, in addition to 3G access, demands that more and more websites have their mobile version or are prepared for this type of access. It is necessary to offer the best experience for this type of user without compromising on content quality.
Recently Google announced its appreciation for responsive web designon websites, indicating this type of development for companies that need to offer content for mobile devices in particular. Which is enough to study and try to understand more about the subject, since until then good practices indicated other issues, such as a specific url ( and other important points for the user and the indexing of mobile content. Well, let's learn more about responsive web design and try to understand why Google has been encouraging this type of development. Including to know if it is appropriate to apply it in our SEO projects.

What is Responsive Web Design?
Also known as RWD, it is a practice that unites CSS and Javascript to adapt the content of the site to the size of the user's screen. That is, the content Phone Number List will always be the same, but the way it will be viewed will depend on the user's device.
You see, we still have a version for each gadget or type of access. However, instead of having a url for each type of browser/gadget we will always have the same url and instead of detecting and redirecting the user we just adjust the content according to their screen. Beautiful is not it? Yes and no. Let's see why.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Responsive Web Design
Let's start talking about the good things, the advantages:

Using the same URL is always interesting, especially when thinking about sharing. A person who accessed your website on an iPhone can share your URL without worrying about how other people will access it. No matter the device used to access the website, the content will adjust according to the device's screen.


As it does not use user-agent and scripts for redirection, pages load faster. Furthermore, if done well, pages will be lighter for mobile devices, making them easier to load.
Anyone who likes metrics and uses Google Analytics or another measurement tool will certainly enjoy seeing all the data on the same profile. Since when we use subdomains we create a new profile to measure.
Obviously it avoids the creation of duplicate content and punishments for this.

Not everything is rosy, so let's look at the disadvantages:

I don't know if we can call it a disadvantage, but page development is more complex, takes more time and requires more experienced developers. Mainly to know the best way to resize and present content according to the user's screen configuration.
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Re: The popularization of smartphones tablets and other

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Re: The popularization of smartphones tablets and other

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Re: The popularization of smartphones tablets and other

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Re: The popularization of smartphones tablets and other

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