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Email Marketing & More for Small Businesses

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2024 4:02 pm
by vickie567
I still wonder, to this day, why it took him 3 to 4 years to localise the tool, and even so … it’s still impossible for bilingual profiles to be created… And Twitter won’t have it either: it’s either French, German or English, but bi or trilingual users can well go see somewhere else. The result is clear: All German-speaking users use Xing, most French professional, until recently, used Viadeo, and Russia is using Vkontakte. I think a lot could be done to alter this self-centred view of social media and improve on the process. Tune in to this live broadcast of the event on Youtube at 4:00 pm CET Reinventing Marketing at Adobe Summit 2014 The first presentation I attended at Adobe summit 2014 in London today was the morning keynote and it’s so packed with information that I still wonder, while I’m writing these lines, how I can summarise so much information.

Here is my account of this morning’s Germany Email List keynote in which Adobe delivered gazillion innovations impacting both the field of marketing and digital. Reinventing Marketing at Adobe Summit 2014 Adobe Adobe’s Rencher, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Digital Marketing Business Unit at Adobe Systems ready for a hard reset of marketing Marketing, let’s be clear, needs a hard reset. We work in silos, pedalling heads down trying to get to grips with new tools as they emerge, and each tool that comes in is being added one after the other in an increasingly hard to digest multichannel sandwich. It’s time to reinvent marketing. And believe it or not, Adobe, the Brand famous for bringing software like Photoshop and Dreamweaver, might well be a major player in this entire marketing rethink.


I know it sounds zanyish but it’s happening; if the Adobe Marketing Cloud BU has already reached the $ 1Bn mark, something big must be happening. Brad Rencher in this morning’s keynote, announced just that; but unlike most corporate marketing presentations, Rencher and his teams showed us, in real time, on the screen, how they deliver on their promises. “We hear about changing consumer behaviour all the time but what we are seeing now is that these changes are having an impact on organisations” Brad Rencher said by way of introduction. “We’ve seen this coming for decades as marketeers and now, we have the opportunity for marketers is to reinvent ourselves and create new things. This is something much broader than just marketing”, Brad said, “it’s about reinventing the enterprise”.

Re: Email Marketing & More for Small Businesses

Posted: Wed May 29, 2024 12:51 pm
by xenthias

Re: Email Marketing & More for Small Businesses

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2024 2:12 am
by xenthias

Re: Email Marketing & More for Small Businesses

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2024 11:49 pm
by xenthias

Re: Email Marketing & More for Small Businesses

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2024 10:04 pm
by xenthias